%define destdir %buildroot %global myhome /usr/local Buildroot: %_tmppath/%name-%version-root License: Check with djb@cr.yp.to Group: Utilities/System Name: mess822 Packager: mw@csi.hu Patch: %name-%version.errno.patch Release: 112memphis Requires: qmail leapsecs Source0: ftp://cr.yp.to/software/%name-%version.tar.gz Summary: mess822 is a library for parsing Internet mail messages. URL: http://cr.yp.to/%name.html Version: 0.58 %description mess822 is a library for parsing Internet mail messages. The mess822 package contains several applications that work with qmail: * ofmipd rewrites messages from dumb clients. It supports a database of recognized senders and From lines, using cdb for fast lookups. * new-inject is an experimental new version of qmail-inject. It includes a flexible user-controlled hostname rewriting mechanism. * iftocc can be used in .qmail files. It checks whether a known address is listed in To or Cc. * 822header, 822field, 822date, and 822received extract various pieces of information from a mail message. * 822print converts a message into an easier-to-read format. mess822 supports the full complexity of RFC 822 address lists, including address groups, source routes, spaces around dots, etc. It also supports common RFC 822 extensions: backslashes in atoms, dots in phrases, addresses without host names, etc. It extracts each address as an easy-to-use string, with a separate string for the accompanying comment. mess822 converts RFC 822 dates into libtai's struct caltime format. It supports numeric time zones, the standard old-fashioned time zones, and many nonstandard time zones. mess822 is fast. For example, extracting 10000 addresses from a 160KB To field takes less than a second on a Pentium-100. %prep %setup -q %patch -p1 %build echo %myhome > conf-home make prog sleep 1 # Fix hier.c so that nothing gets installed # in man/cat?. awk '!/cat|leapsecs.dat/ { sub("/etc","%destdir/etc"); print}' hier.c > hier.c.tmp mv hier.c.tmp hier.c COMPILER="Compiler: $(gcc -v 2>&1 | tail -1)" HARDWARE="Hardware: $(uname -m)" LIBRARY="Library: $(rpm -q glibc)" OSVERSION="OSversion: $(uname -sr)" PACKAGER="Packager: %packager" REDHATRELEASE="RedHat release: $(cat /etc/redhat-release)" RPMVERSION="rpm version: $(rpm -q rpm)" echo "The %name rpm was created in the following environment: " > README_rpm echo "$COMPILER $HARDWARE $LIBRARY $OSVERSION $PACKAGER $REDHATRELEASE $RPMVERSION The packager above has made a good-faith attempt to ensure that the package behaves correctly. This rpm applies the following patch: 0: errno; to correct an incompatibility in errno declaration Since this rpm applies this patch to the sources, you cannot distribute it publicly. " >> README_rpm %install /bin/rm -rf %destdir mkdir -p %destdir%myhome # The next steps make sure that instcheck and install # will do their job in %destdir%myhome and not # in %myhome echo %destdir%myhome > conf-home make install instcheck ./install ./instcheck %clean /bin/rm -rf %destdir %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc BLURB CHANGES INSTALL README %doc THANKS TODO VERSION %myhome/bin/* %myhome/man/*/* %myhome/include/* %myhome/lib/*